Mata Chanan Devi Hospital C-1, Janakpuri, New Delhi -110058

+ (91) - (11) - 45582000/10


Urology is one of the rapidly evolving branch which brings in the best of technological advancements to improve the quality of patient care with the use of endoscopes, lasers and Robotics.

Field of Urology deals with the diseases of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles and other genital organs like the testicles and penis in the males. In case of  females, it also deals with conditions such as urinary incontinence, the urinary tract injuries and genital cancers.

1. Endourology:

TURP forms the gold standard of care for prostate and is being regularly done for last 17 years here with excellent safety and success profile. We have a large patient base of successful cases who are a excellent source of word of mouth propagation of our work.

Apart from TURP, we have now graduated to HOLMIUM laser prostatectomy recently.

We have also very recently made arrangements for Diode and KTP laser prostatectomy at our institution and shall soon start with them. KTP or Green light PVP laser has the unique property of vaporization of tissue without causing significant blood loss even in the patients on anticoagulants.

Stricture urethra is a common condition treated with optical internal urethrotomy and with laser urethrotomy.

Stone management with Ureteroscopy and PCNL with Laser fragmentation/ lithoblast fragmentation are being successfully employed with excellent clearance rates.

For various congenital conditions such as PUJ obstruction, we employ pyelopasty and Endopyelotomy.

Bladder tumours are commonly observed condition treated well with TURBT and intravesical chemotherapy.

2. Laparoscopic Urology:

Recently we have acquired skills and expertise for lap urology for performing various conditions requiring nephrectomy, pyeloplasty, pyelo-and ureterolithotomy with good results. Laparoscopic technique serves to reduce morbidity, lower the postoperative pain, hospital stay and give good cosmetic results.

3. Neuro-urology and Urodynamics study:

Ours became the first department in West Delhi to develop expertise in Neuro-urology and acquire the urodynamic apparatus in 2009-10. Patients from various hospitals all over Delhi and beyond are being referred for urodynamic studies for better understanding of neurogenic bladder and lower tract dysfunction.

4. Andrology (sexual dysfunction and male infertility):

We were the first organized department offering genuine and state of the art service and care for male sexual dysfunction and infertility including Psychosexual guidance by expert psychiatrists, intracavernosal injections, vacuum erection devices and Penile implants therapy.

We perform Sperm retrieval by various techniques as TESA, TESE, MESA and PESA for IVF and ICSI in conjuction with Aakansha IVF centre. Vaso-epididymal anastomosis (VEA) is being done for obstructive azoospermia.

5. Reconstructive Urology

we offer services for the repairs of variety of upper and lower tracts congenital, infective and traumatic conditions by performing pyeloplasty, psoas hitch, Boari flap, augmentation cystoplasty, and Urethroplasty using buccal mucosa.

6. ESWL (Lithotripsy):

we use a Non-invasive technique to fragment the stones, by use of shock waves with an advanced version of a mechanical lithotripter. Over 2000 patients have been successfully treated with lithotripsy so far. It has the advantage of not requiring hospitalisation or anaesthesia in most patients.

7. Uro-oncology:

we offer vast range of oncological operations for variey of genito-urinary cancers , chemotherapy and hormonal therapy.

8. Uro-gynaecology

we offer treatment for urge and stress incontinencein the form of TVT, TOT and slingssuspension procedures. We also deal with various gynecological injuries and operative misadventures with successful results.

9.Research and Academic activities:

we have been actively involved in teaching program of DNB surgery and other resident doctors and nursing and technical staff. We participate in regular CME and other academic activities of the institution.

We are invited as faculty for various national and international conferences. We have been actively presenting research papers at various  urology conferences both national and abroad.

Team of Specialists: